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Enrolling your new home with the NHBRC is a statutory requirement, by

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Thursday, August 4, 2016, In : NHBRC

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How Long does it take to Design a New House?

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, In : Architect

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Who is responsible for the NHBRC Certificate - the owner or the builder?

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Saturday, May 28, 2011, In : NHBRC 
The Owner will be paying the fee to the NHBRC (National Home Builders Regulatory Council) either indirectly through the Builder's quote if the fee has been added to the tender or directly if not.  The fee is not for the Builder's account as the NHBRC warrantee benefits the home owner for five years and not the builder.  However the Builder needs to enroll the house with the NHBRC once building starts and he must be registered with them as well.
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